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Video Production Strategy in the time of COVID-19

Lady with mask watching video

Lady with mask watching video


We have officially entered a new era due to the global pandemic of COVID-19. Responding to change our marketing strategies should adapt to follow suit. With many Australianā€™s stuck at home now is the best time to redefine and execute your video marketing strategy. Evidently, more Aussies are spending more time online which a wonderful opportunity for brands with connect and showcase value through video marketing and video production. However, marketers should re-align their strategies and should approach video marketing in this age with empathy and value.

Video Production & COVID-19: Reporter in Asia reporting on COVID-19


There is a gamut of reasons why you should be working on your video production and marketing strategy. Firstly, there are more consumers online, more than ever. This means, more impressions and potentially a wider reach. Secondly, consumers are craving uplifting content. This is a perfect opportunity to demonstrate value in a meaningful way. Finally, where reasonable, some business should take advantage of slow period. As daunting as that sounds, if business has slowed down, look to ways of improvement in terms of marketing ā€“ start the change you have always pictured and work on your brand. Taking time out to restructure your marketing through video is a great way to build better relationships throughout and post COVID-19.

How do I operate my video marketing strategy during COVID-19

A recent publication of the ā€œAustralian Consumer Sentimentā€ by the Boston Consulting Group, reported important insights relating to consumer habits during COVID-19. The report states that many Australianā€™s feel financially insecure and many believe there will be an economic recession post COVID-19. Furthermore, Aussieā€™s have overall reduced spending while governments and companies steer consumers away from anxiety-led purchases. It also reported that there has been a significant growth in speeding on digital channels in all age groups, from Gen-X, Millennials, Baby Boomer and Silvers.

Online news reporting on COVID-19

In light of this report, marketers should be aware of the market conditions and should act accordingly. Where possible, add value to your video marketing by making positive contributions. Remember to use empathy and stay away from the ā€œhard-sellā€. If you can add value to groups who are in need especially at this time, let your network know and spread the word. Share a positive story, demonstrate how your organisation is coping. Push motivational and uplifting content. Be ethical. Be responsible. The power of video marketing and video production can leave a lasting impact on your customers. By using a strategy that incorporates timely, prevalent, and positive communication can make a difference.

Benefits of video production and video marketing post COVID-19

There are many benefits of executing video marketing during COVID-19, post COVID-19. Marketers and organisations who take full advantage of video marketing will see an increase in goodwill, especially from organisations who have demonstrated an ethical and empathetic approach. Additionally, businesses could see a spike of brand loyalty, which can increase your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). Finally, video marketing and production are favorable to search rankings. Organisations who consistently work on video marketing are more likely to have favorable search engine rankings. The most recent Google algorithm update, favors sites that have maintained quality, organic content. Video cam be placed anywhere from blogs, social media, and landing pages. This is why you should focus on your video production strategy during COVID-19.

Customer service agent talking to customer

Benefits of video production and video marketing post COVID-19

There are many benefits of executing video production strategy during COVID-19, post COVID-19. Marketers and organisations who take full advantage of video production will see an increase in goodwill, especially from organisations who have demonstrated an ethical and empathetic approach. Additionally, businesses could see a spike of brand loyalty, which can increase your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV).

Finally, video production and marketing are favorable to search rankings. Organisations who consistently work on video production and marketing are more likely to have favorable search engine rankings. The most recent Google algorithm update, favors sites that have maintained quality, organic content. Video can be placed anywhere from blogs, social media, and landing pages.

Safe ways of executing video marketing and production during COVID-19

The team at Visionair Media have a few tips on maintaining safe video production strategies throughout COVID-19. It is important to be well planned and organised. Minimise the amount of crew who attend each video production shoot. Understand the laws of your state. Whether your planning your video production in Sydney or Melbourne. Make sure you consult your local health department to eliminate risks. Importantly, respect social distancing. Ā Although you may be working closely together with your production team, you can be strategically placed to keep an appropriate distance from one another.

Safework, a branch of the NSW Government has noted that social distancing measures include 1.5 metres distance from one another. It has also be recommended to create barriers between counters, desks and work stations. Every office and video production shoot should be well equipped with Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E). This includes ample amounts of sanitiser, disinfectant, gloves, and any other equipment that is reasonably appropriate.

Taking safety precautions to eliminate the risk of COVID-19

Where can I get help with video production and marketing during COVID-19?

If you are looking for guidance on video production during COVID-19, contact Visionair Media for further assistance. Our video production and video marketing services are available nationally including Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, and Adelaide. We have implemented and have maintained control measures to limit the spread of COVID-19 while being able to achieve video production and video marketing goals. We are here to help you with you video production strategy in the time of COVID-19.

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