1. Virtual Events and Live Broadcasting
The rise of ‘Virtual Events’ and ‘Live Broadcasting’ is here. According to Forbes, virtual events have been up by 1000% this year. During the initial rise of COVID-19, many event operators either cancelled or postponed their physical events due to restrictions on mass gatherings however, many learnt how to pivot through with digital events. Virtual events are trending internationally and have become a massive phenomenon. Such formats are helping organisations connect with consumers without the risk of transmission. Viewers can watch in the comfort of their own homes while being able to enjoy a memorable experiences simultaneously. Many local events in Australia have switched over to the eEvent format such as the iconic City2Surf and TEDxSydney. Notably, some of the larger events internationally such as the Cannes Lion and the Emmys have followed the same format.

2. Brands Producing Online Video Production Content
Online digital branding communications have increased since the inception of the pandemic. As brands continue to adapt to the current state of affairs, the need for video production has increased. Many retailers nationally and internationally have ceased selling through the traditional ‘bricks-and-mortar’ model and in exchange have opted to market products exclusively through eCommerce. As a result, brands are making a conscious effort to produce more video content for consumers, creating lasting experiences through online branding. According to Forbes, consumers have consumed over 80% more online content during COVID-19, and because video is a highly effective communication tool, video production is truly is a no-brainer.
3. Online Education: Upskilling in a Competitive Job Market
COVID-19 has had a knock-on effect on the world economy at large. As such, many individuals have lost their jobs or at fear of losing their jobs due to the impeding impacts of the recession. One way keeping your head above water in a competitive job market is through education. Many individuals are obtaining qualifications and skills through online platforms to keep up with the ebbs and flow of the current market conditions. Many online education providers rely on quality video production as a form of communication. Through the power of video production, education providers can engage and expect responsive learning outcomes for students. By way of its versatility, video can help students learn from remote locations, across the globe without the need of physical textbooks and physical lesson plans. The World Economic Forum has reported that COVID-19 has changed education forever, as 1.2 billion children are out of the classroom globally. Importantly, online education has shown to increase retention of information and therefore, it might be here to stay.

4. Corporate Video Production to Manage Public Awareness
Corporate video production has always been an effective communication tool for business. The importance of video production during COVID-19 is paramount. Other than being a profitable marketing tool, video can help Australian businesses communicate key business changes to stakeholders and the public at large. This time can be incredibly challenging time for many business and video can be an ideal way of communicating, boosting awareness and building trust with consumers. Many organisations have had to pivot by changing their service model due to restrictions and as such, video can be innovating way of communicating the changes to service. Video production is a great way of transmitting clear messaging quickly and in the age of COVID-19, video can be an appropriate communication tool.
5. Global Media and Entertainment Consumption
Online media and entertainment consumption are at an all-time high due to COVID-19. Many consumers are finding they have more time to themselves due to the number of increasing restrictions on social gatherings. As a result, people are spending more time at home watching an array of online streaming services. Deloitte reports that companies such as Netflix, Amazon, and Disney+ have seen a substantial video and audio consumption increase, globally. Some online services saw an increase of consumption by 57% to 90%. Such services have helped entertain Australians throughout the lockdown period retain some comfort whilst being isolated in their own homes. The ABC seized an opportunity this year by dedicating a whole channel to the ‘Coronavirus’ on the broadcaster’s online streaming service. Video production is a necessary component to the online streaming process and has helped many consumers throughout this time.

6. Training Videos for Remote Teams
Whether you are producing content to teach your employees how to manage internal work systems or manage workplace health and safety, video can be a useful resource. During the time of COVID-19, video production can be used to teach teams remotely whilst reducing the risk of transmission. With increasing restrictions on interstate travel, training videos have helped businesses train their teams via a cost efficiently solution, safely. Creating a suite of modules through video and interactive quizzes can complement your training systems especially in the onboarding stage of recruitment. This solution can be used across several departments, from compliance training, to operations and human resources. We predict this trend will more than likely stay, even longer after COVID-19, purely from a cost saving solution.
7. Television Advertising to Communicate Health Information
Television advertising has always been a powerful communication tool. With the power of video production, governments and businesses can push important communication messaging throughout the pandemic. Most recently, local government have been producing public safety videos for television, raising awareness for the risks of COVID-19. Although the internet is an important platform, free-to-air television still draws viewers from across Australia, especially within the older demographic who are susceptible to greater risks of COVID-19. Television and advertising have been particularly important in managing information throughout the pandemic.
8. Connecting with Friends and Family and Work Colleagues via Video Chat
Many Australians have been more than acquainted with video conferencing due to the overwhelming amount of businesses who have been forced to work at home during the pandemic. Although, ‘Video Chat’ does not require professional video production services, it deserves a mention. Applications such as Zoom, Google Duo and Skype are being frequently used to communicate between teams. As such, this technology has helped teams manage the everyday functions of business during what is such a turbulent time for many.

9. Online Experiences which cut through the Clutter
Online consumption has increased by ten-fold, as a result consumers are flocking online to shop, buy, communicate, learn and more. One innovative way to gain the attention of some consumer groups, is through gamification and virtual reality. These online experiences have been designed to cut through the clutter of online advertising and are aimed to produce engagement. Such online experiences are helping consumers experience a brand through a different lens. Online experiences can help Australian consumer better understand the products they are purchasing. Online experiences are the next step in the online marketing cycle.
10. Health and Safety Public Information with Video Production
Finally, video has been supporting our country with health and safety targets. Video is increasingly being used by many businesses, government agencies and more to advise patrons of the health risks of COVID-19. From formal safety announcements and videos placed in public venues to producing content for online channels, video is playing a role by communicating critical information to the public at large.