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The Guide to Instagram TV

Instagram TV

Instagram TV

Instagram TV, or IGTV, is a new challenger in the long-form social video content market. As a result of being popular the platform needed an option for creating and viewing video content. The essential difference being, IGTV provides vertical video creation and consumption. IGTV addresses some of the previous limitations of Instagram Stories. For users that prefer this social media platform, this new service provides more significant creative opportunities and reach.

What is Instagram TV?

Instagram TV launched in June 2018 to minimal fanfare. Instagram created IGTV to enable the watching of long-form videos longer than 60 seconds – traditionally, YouTube’s market. IGTV is looking to compete directly with YouTube and adapt how viewers use the Instagram platform. Despite its early promise, early adopters and influencers quickly stopped using the service due to its initial limitations.

How does IGTV work?

Users view Instagram TV via IOS or Android smartphones. IGTV is available as a new standalone app or via the original Instagram app. Before IGTV, Instagram users could create short Instagram Stories or videos via the Instagram app. IGTV allows Instagram users to create and share longer form video on the same platform they share their Instagram images. As a result of the video inclusion users have increased engagement, exposure and views to content.

Initially, IGTV struggled to gain the traction it had desired. The additional challenges and cost for content creators to produce video in a vertical format impacted initial take up. For instance, if a content creator wished to utilise Instagram TV and YouTube for their video, they would need to record in vertical and horizontal formats. An essential consideration for creators developing long form, higher cost and higher quality productions. Creators need to evaluate if the effort of creating unique content for IGTV is worth the reward.

What Are The Benefits of Instagram TV?

When it comes to rewards, Instagram TV does not monetise for content views. Unlike YouTube, which has an established monetisation program for content creators. Lack of this has also played a crucial part in social media influencers turning away from this platform. IGTV allows app users to conduct some search functions. However, this is still very limited to channel names and tags. The video feed itself is a list of recommendations for you based on your previous viewing experiences.

The turning point for IGTV occurred when Instagram enabled short previews of IGTV video content shared on the regular Instagram feed. Such a move created a level of interest and engagement that made Instagram users aware of the IGTV feature and its content. It has dramatically boosted the visibility of IGTV content and enlarged views for most content creators that have embraced this new feature.

How to create a video for IGTV.

IGTV users can make videos that are up to ten minutes long. Verified users can create videos that are up to one hour long. Many are engaging in producing ongoing series or playlists. Before posting videos to IGTV, a user must create a channel. Creating a channel is identical in either the Instagram or the IGTV app. The process is very user-friendly and only requires a few simple steps. Uploading videos to IGTV is just as simple. Upload shorter videos to the Instagram or IGTV app. Upload longer videos, with a higher production quality, to

Instagram TV is a simple, effective and engaging method of reaching your audience. Especially those that already follow your Instagram account. Utilising the IGTV platform to deliver your video with appropriate formatting, use of brand identity, hashtags and preview will ensure your viewers will experience your video content. To find out how Visionair’s team of videographers can help create content for your IGTV channel, send us an email or give us a call. We would love to hear from you.

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