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Raising Awareness: Vinnies CEO Sleepout

homeless person on streets of Sydney with dog

Vinnies CEO Sleepout is all about a chance to raise awareness about homelessness. Our very own Jim Moustakas, the director of Visionair, will be taking part in this activity. It’s a chance to capture the various images of the night.

What is the sleepout all about?

At Vinnies CEO Sleepout, the focus is to raise awareness about the reality of being homeless. Thousands of all strands experience homelessness every single night.

The well-regarded event allows CEOs to tough it out for a night. They get to experience what it’s like to be homeless so that they understand the importance of raising awareness. Additionally, it’s possible for people to donate to the cause in order to raise more awareness.

What Jim Will Be Doing

Jim Moustakas has already been a part of the CEO Sleep Out 2018 launch. When he goes to sleep out under the stars, he plans on bringing his camera. This will allow him to take photographs of the night as well as capture what the other CEOs are doing as they sleep under the stars – and potentially in a cardboard box.

Jim Moustakas has also been working to fundraise for St Vincent De Paul Society. They are the organisation behind Vinnies CEO Sleepout. It will provide more financial support for the Australians throughout the country who are in need.

Each dollar amount is capable of providing a certain amount of money. For example, $55 has the ability to feed a family for a day. $155 provides emergency accommodation for an entire family who is in crisis. $255 will relocate a person who is sleeping outside to accommodation services. $555 can even pay the rent for a family who is facing eviction.

At Visionair Photography, we’re all excited to be a part of this cause. Jim doesn’t know what to expect yet, but we expect some amazing photographs. The launch itself shows that there is a significant amount of support in the community.

The Photographs

Jim Moustakas will be camped outside for the duration of a single night. While it’s not nearly the hardship that many homeless people face, it will be an eye-opening experience so that he can understand what so many people go through.

Throughout the evening, he will be taking a wide array of photos. This includes photos of the stars, the area at night, as well as what everyone is doing. This can provide a full documentary to shed more light on what is going on.

A number of CEOs participate in this event every single year. Leaders are found in the business and government community.

The Cause

The sleepout will take place in June, during one of the longest nights of the year. The organization is hoping to raise approximately $6 million through the support of the CEOs as well as those within the community. Last year, $5.6 million was raised. This was able to provide over 600,000 beds, support close to 2 million individual programs, and provide 1.5 million meals.

If the sleep out is nearly as successful as it was last year, it will be able to help countless Australians. It will ensure that fewer people are homeless so that they can start to enjoy a better life. Whether they are individuals or families, Vinnies CEO Sleepout is working to help them.

The photos are going to be a great addition to the event to show people more about what to expect as well as shed light on this very important event.

To learn more about this project or to make a donation, contact us at Visionair Photography.

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