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Preparing Your Team For Your Next Video

Preparing Your Team For Video

How well do you think your team would receive the news that they have a part to play in a team video? Some people may oppose the idea of being on camera. Some may be energised by the opportunity. Nerves are natural and expected. Make your team aware of what to expect and what their role is. Explain the benefits for them and the business. Above all else, engage them in the entire process and turn this opportunity into a team-building exercise.

Planning For a Team Video

Use a detailed plan or script to ensure your team are aware of their role in the video and what their talking parts may be. If you don’t have a script we encourage you to consult with a production company to assist in creating one. The planning stage can also provide your team with a chance to be directly involved in creating the dialogue. Knowing beforehand what role each staff member will play in a team video will allow for them to rehearse their talking roles and gain greater confidence in the process. 

Engaging the Audience

Be sure that your finalised script reads as positive as possible. Furthermore, is the language, tone and mood portrayed engaging? Remember that there are no single takes in developing a video. Mistakes will happen, the dialogue forgotten, and people will laugh uncontrollably. All normal but also generates a fun mood. Harness that energy to engage the audience by smiling naturally into the camera. Further to this, use open and welcoming body language and your hands naturally to emphasise your dialogue. 

Showcasing Value in a Service Industry through Video.

Take Direction

When creating a team video, your team follow guidance from either a professional director or the videographer. Prepare your team for this and explain the roles of various people involved in the development of your video. Don’t concern yourself if there is a requirement for multiple takes of the same segment in the video. Creating a useful and highly engaging team video can take time to capture all of the desired elements.

Get the Wardrobe Right

When creating a professional team video, it is essential that you have the right look. Ensure that all team members have a consistent look also. It is vital to ensure that the chosen theme and style of wardrobe matches the theme and style of the video. Your team may be in more casual attire for an interview-style video where they may be talking with actual customers. Alternatively, for more serious and formal team videos, wear corporate attire to portray a professional level of service.

Hair and Makeup

When developing a team video, hair and makeup is an essential consideration for all team members. Through the use of a professional hair and makeup artist, you can achieve a natural look that works well on camera. Again, hair and makeup should have a style to suit the style of video. Rely on the direction and guidance of a hair and makeup artist to assist your team in achieving the right look for the day.

Choice of Location For Your Team Video

A critical part of the process when planning a team video is to consider the location of the shoot. It would help if you had a few ideas ready to discuss with the director or videographer. Give them an idea of the feel and look you need. The director or videographer will be best equipped to guide you on this as they will have to consider several factors. A location has to have appropriate lighting, limited background noise and natural acoustics. 

Creating a team video may not be something that you do very often. For your team, it is certainly not a typical day in the office. Encourage your team to make the most of the opportunity. Please support them in the process and encourage them to support their peers. Use this as a team-building opportunity and celebrate the end outcome at a team function. The next time you develop a professional team video, you will find the process all the more enjoyable as a result.

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