Photography has always been a favourite medium for marketing campaigns, especially for online and traditional advertising. Billboards, posters and social media are still around, which is why the medium is so popular. When deciding to include photography in your next campaign, determining where a picture should fit and what trend it should follow can either make or break a campaign. Understanding these top photography trends in 2019 will certainly help you stand out from the rest. But, ultimately it’s a combination of trend, attention to detail and pre-planning that will help your next promotion ‘go viral’.
To understand the top photography trends in 2019 that can help your product stand out from the crowd, you first must look at where your audience is spending their time. Depending on the demographic you are marketing to, the majority of teens, young adults and mothers spend their time online. Specifically on social media. Whereas the older generation (mainly male dominated) enjoy the television, reading the newspaper or niche magazine. As social media is the stand out here, photos that grab a users attention will be critical to your success. Based on what we have seen in the last few months, some of the noticeable top photography trends we predict for 2019 include…
Cinemagraphs are essentially a still image with an isolated moving element within the still frame. The genre sits between both a still photograph and a video. The advantage of this format is the viewer engages with the product for a more extended period. In 2018 cinemagraphs have been a popular top photography trend for Facebook, Instagram and websites. This genre will no doubt continue to engage in 2019 as the popular trend grows.

Panoramic Images
You should adopt panoramic images in 2019. Especially on Instagram. Professional photographers can capture images in rows to form panoramic images. The advantage this brings to Instagram is the panoramic image can be ‘cut’ up to create equal square photos. The viewer can then scroll left or right to reveal the full picture.
The way you can grab a viewers attention is to capture a beautiful scene and place your product in the last third of the panoramic image. As the viewer engages with the first few frames, they can then swipe to the end of the picture revealing the product. This ingenious way to bring the viewer in will keep them highly engaged on your Instagram profile page as they swipe left and right to play with the panoramic image. You can also use this technique when creating Facebook Ads for a more significant impact.

3D Photography as a Top Photography Trend in 2019
Facebook has been the first platform to implement 3D photography for iPhone users successfully. Android users are still waiting. However, no matter what phone you have a viewer can experience a 3D photo on their Facebook feed.
Brands can capitalise on this popular photography trend while it’s brand new. It’s a great way of showing audiences a new perspective on products. The engagement levels for this type of photography is significantly higher than a static photo. This is because 3D photos provide perspective, depth and interest for the intended audience. Because of this higher level of engagement, the audience is more likely to share and comment on the product. Therefore increasing the organic reach of your campaign. This, in turn, converts more viewers into potential customers. Based on timing and entrance to market for this format, we believe 3D photos will trend significantly in 2019 and beyond.

As you can understand there are many ways you can include photography in your next campaign. Following the top photography trends from influencers on YouTube or Instagram are often the best way to keep up with what’s happening in the space. By following these trends and staying ahead of the game, your brand will be relevant to your audience. However, if you are short on time and unable to follow the trends as they form, don’t worry. We encourage you to talk with our team of content creation experts who can assist with your photography marketing campaign creation.
So, why not send us an email about your next campaign and explain what you might need? We would love to show you how we can help.
You can also find some amazing photography trends here: 48 Breathtaking Photography Trends 2020