Video is a dream content solution for maintaining high engagement on a website, blog or e-commerce site. Some of the stats supplied by the second highest rating website, YouTube, are a good indication of how video increases online conversions. For instance, Google says – digital video is the new way of window shopping. This is indeed true with a younger demographic. When looking at the statistics that back this statement, you quickly realise the importance of video.

For instance, according to Google did you know a staggering 80% of people who were interested in purchasing a product started their journey with online video? Or how about in the last two years on mobile devices people watched over 50,000 years of product review video. These two staggering statics put video ahead of the game. Especially in terms of engagement and the amount of time spent with your brand.

So now we know the power of video, how can you best capitalise the format for your brand?

There are a few things we can do, but ultimately your video should consist of some crucial aspects. These key points will help with online conversions including content, target audience and quality. Below we will break down some of these points.

Keep Your Videos To The Point

No one likes to watch a video that too long. When creating your video keep your video to the point. Don’t waffle on or diverge onto a tangent. Instead, keep a great flow to your video. We recommend following some bullet points. If you know your not a natural presenter consider an influencer, model or actor. Just make sure they can think for themselves on the subject while following some bullet points. There’s nothing worse than watching someone who only presents a script.

Embed Your Videos Everywhere You Can for More Conversions

Before you finish creating your video, think about the end goal. Where do you want your audience to engage with you? Determining this may depend on your business. But, ultimately where you place your video can vastly increase online conversions. As an example, if you were to upload your video to and embed the video on your sales page, the amount of traffic would be limited. Whereas if you uploaded to YouTube and embedded this video, you will engage more people. Your reach will go beyond your website to those actively searching for content on YouTube. Facebook and Instagram should not be ruled out as options either.

To get more engagement upload your videos to as many places as you can.

Include Cards or Links Within Your Video

If you are uploading your video to YouTube considering info cards. This is a great idea as it allows the viewer to learn more. They simply click on an info card within your video and they will be redirected to an external link or sales page to learn more. Similarly, other video platforms such as Facebook and Vimeo allow you to redirect customers to a site at the end of a video. This redirection is most valuable if you are creating a short video and want to increase your conversion rate to your website by using video ads on the specific platform.

Create engaging videos.

Ask Your Audience To Do Something

Don’t be afraid to ask your audience to do something. If you are providing valuable content that is consistent, it’s not a big ask to get your audience to do something for you. This could include subscribing or checking out your product elsewhere. You will be surprised just how many brands don’t do this when they create videos.

Remember, people are coming to you to learn more, so you are doing them a disservice by not providing adequate information or referring them to external links. Sometimes to get the best result you have to ask for the sale.

Don't be afraid to ask for the sale in your videos

Produce High-Quality Audio and Video for Better Online Conversions

The number one rule when creating a video is to ensure you capture excellent audio. The video doesn’t have to be the highest quality, but when it comes to sound – it matters. You can record great audio by purchasing specialised video microphones or hiring a video production team to produce your videos. We also recommend recording in full HD or higher as this will reflect the quality of your brand and help with increasing conversions.

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