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How to Create Content – SEO and Distribution

If you create great content your audience will engage with it

The creation of compelling content is key to customer engagement. Your two greatest content sources are photography and video. For the greatest effectively use one or both mediums on social media platforms and websites. To become an industry leader create content that is smart and effective. The knowledge and ideas you create and share will drive customer conversions and sales.

The Importance of Good SEO

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is the process used to allow website searches to find your content. With Google owning over 75% of the search power on the internet, your content must rank high in a Google search.

Images make any content more appealing. They are a valuable SEO asset. Having optimised text labelled images, you will ensure faster recognition and loading by search engines. Use punchy original images of high quality that are not so big they slow your content sites down. Having multiple pictures included in content will drive higher engagement levels. It also gives customers more significant levels of detail for products and services.

In video, including your business logo within the introduction helps to engage customers with your brand. You only have a few seconds to engage them so make it count. In social media videos, a small logo in the top or bottom corner is appropriate. However, in a brand video, we recommend you include a larger logo to help with brand recognition.

Influencer marketing is linking your content to other content creators websites. The most significant benefit is that it can be great for your content SEO. It greatly aids the search page ranking and further sharing of your content by others. Consumers also see greater authenticity in products endorsed my other content creators.

Sharing Your Content – Three of the Best Methods

Creating the content for your business and publishing it online is not enough to generate consumer engagement. In blog posts alone there are millions published every single day. You need to be able to stand out. The key is to share your content and have others share it for you. Share your content to communities who are passionate about your product and make them excited about your brand. And there are countless platforms to share your content:

Medium – One of the most active blog sites that allows you to share your content and have it refer back to your original site.

Linkedin Articles/Groups – You can share your content with this platform to provide insight into how your business can assist or participate.

Facebook / Instagram Paid Advertising – utilising these platforms to allow you to share your content with a target audience via video and photography.

Establish a Content Calendar

By sharing consistent and reliable content your customer base, the higher the trust they will have in your business. Ensure to share your content consistently across multiple platforms. Create a content calendar to include all forms of media that are going out. This is especially important for photos and video as they have the highest engagement.

Plan your content with a knowledgeable team that can deliver high-quality assets. Employing the services of a professional organisation to assist in telling your business’s story can be the best strategy if you are short on time or have a small team.

Creating content is just one part of the equation. Understanding and utilising best practice SEO with all of your content assets will ensure the highest amount of internet traffic reaches your website.

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