Our industry is at the forefront of both Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and camera technology – Visionair Drone Photography Experts.

If you’ve decided that aerial drone photography in Sydney would benefit your business or organisation, the next step is choosing a team that will get you the best results possible. VisionAir are just that team drone photography experts you have been looking for. We will take you through some of the many reasons why.


Our industry is at the forefront of both Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and camera technology. Both of these technologies continue to evolve and develop rapidly, particularly drones, which are still in their infancy. VisionAir understand very clearly that we also need to be at the forefront of this technology and use proven, state of the art equipment to help us obtain the very best aerial drone photos for our clients.

Professional team

The best equipment in the world is of little use in the hands of inexperienced pilots and photographers, which is exactly why VisionAir has an extremely professional and talented aerial drone photography team. We have combined photographers that have years of commercial experience and are known for their innovation and creative flair with skilled drone operators. This has given our team unrivalled balance and ensures our clients get outstanding results on every project.

Real estate experience

One industry that has been quick to embrace drone photography in Sydney is real estate. Large or luxury houses, in particular, benefit from photos that encompass the entire property, offering a holistic view and giving prospective buyers a great deal of information they can’t otherwise obtain. VisionAir has applied our skills to this sector with great success, helping sellers show off the best features of their property and giving prospective buyers an opportunity to learn more about the homes they are interested in.

Rules & Regulations

Safety and privacy are two paramount concerns at VisionAir. As it is a relatively new industry, the rules and regulations relating to drone photography in NSW and other Australian states are also somewhat undeveloped. We meet all Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) regulations and also implement our own above and beyond these, such as door knocking to inform residents of our intentions. We expect the rules governing our industry to evolve in response to increased and variable drone use and will closely monitor and adhere to any future changes.

The state of art equipment we use, the experience and skill we display with both cameras and drones and our adherence to all regulations has made VisionAir leaders in our industry. We are passionate about aerial drone photography in Sydney and our results speak for themselves. Get in touch with us today to find out how we can customise our drone photos for your business needs.

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