by Jim Moustakas | Jul 18, 2015 | Photography General, Uncategorized
Best Product Photographs Best Product Photographs Product Photographs Saves Businesses! Professional product photographs can have a major positive impact on generating business and we are here to reveal some of the industry’s top secrets on showcasing your products...
by Jim Moustakas | Jul 18, 2015 | Photography General
Bokeh Makes Blurred Backgrounds a Clear Winner Here at Visionair Photography, we love sharing our expert knowledge with budding photographers. This month, we’re focusing on (excuse the pun) how to achieve those stunning and ambient blurred backgrounds in your...
by Jim Moustakas | Jul 10, 2015 | Aerial Photography, Uncategorized
DRONE PHOTOGRAPHY If there’s one publication in the world that has built a worldwide following based on stunning photography, it is National Geographic. The first edition of the now ubiquitous magazine was published in 1888 and the organisation itself had just 165...
by Jim Moustakas | Jul 6, 2015 | Aerial Photography, Uncategorized
dronestagram dronestagram It shouldn’t come as a great surprise that drone photography, which relies so heavily on cutting edge digital technology, is also building a large social media presence and gaining plenty of followers. Much like Instagram, the huge online...
by Jim Moustakas | Jun 30, 2015 | Aerial Photography, Uncategorized
Drone Photography Drone Photography Drones, it seems, are here to stay and the technology is becoming increasingly accessible. Once the domain of governments and the military, today a greater number of enthusiasts are taking up the hobby and getting their photography...