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Australia’s Tourism Boom: Why video marketing is so crucial

Surfers at the beach during sunset

Surfer at Sydney Beach

We have all had this experience. Slogging through the daily grind with no end in sight. Then you happen upon a video of a dream destination that is bright, vibrant and seems tailored to the sort of travel experience you have always wanted.

So, did the video get your attention?

We are guessing it did. Australian brands who produce videos have one leg up above their competitors. That’s one of the reasons why they are more likely to be successful. With a tourist boom in Australia, we think it is a great time to tell your brand stories through the medium of video.

There is no better way to get people interested in what you may offer. Video engages directly with the viewer as they get to experience what it is like to be you for a day. These stories are infectious, and by the end of the video they will have some questions for you, so we hope you are ready.

So why is a video marketing so crucial?

Video marketing build brands.

Marketing videos have been around for many decades. Ever since the first video camera was out people were making stories about their businesses. And, it’s through these stories that their companies have been able to grow. Tourism wasn’t a significant thing in the early decades because potential tourists had no idea about what Australia had to offer. These days though people travel from far and wide see our country. Why? Like we mentioned in the introduction of this article, it grabs their attention.

Video marketing reaches new audiences.

Brand messaging is an essential part of any marketing campaign. If you want to reach new audiences then using the fastest engaging medium to do so makes sense. More people would rather watch a video than reading, which is why filming is crucial. A video for the tourism industry is a must. Some people spend thousands to get here after watching a video less than five minutes on a particular region. That’s how powerful video marketing can be, especially in the tourism industry.

Video marketing engages with the viewer.

Marketing with video should now be one of your core strategies to reach your new and existing audience. What videos marketing does is increase your level of engagement through the use of visual stimulation. A traditional print magazine, online banner, photo or billboard can’t utilise sound, moving image and story like video can. Which is why we see a change in the way people consume content.
Video marketing can grow your business.

If you are in the tourism industry, you will probably know business is likely to be seasonal. So, how can you change this?

If you want to build your brand then telling stories through a visual medium will increase the awareness of your customer. They will start to go beyond the seasonal glossy brochures and venture out to see your world.

Putting video directly in front of your audience during an off-peak season is a sure way to generate business. Now is the time to develop your tourism marketing campaign as competition won’t be as fierce. Telling your brand story is unique to your business, and your customers want to hear from you. So, the next time you want to market your business consider video. With one of the best reaches for any campaign, a video will get you to more people, faster than a photo could.

To learn how Visionair can produce your next highly effective tourism video campaign, we encourage you to contact us today by calling 1300 55 70 90 or emailing us at

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