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Amazon Product Photography: Showing Your Customers the Way


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When listing your products on Amazon, writing good ad copy isn’t the only way to attract customers. In fact, according to science, it isn’t even the most important way. That title belongs, instead, to the product photography you include in your listing. Here is why Amazon product photography can get your stuff sold.

Ninety Percent

The notion that “humans are visual creatures” is no lie. According to a report from Thermopylae Sciences + Technology, a whopping ninety percent of the information that gets transmitted to the human brain is visual. In fact, the human brain can process images 600,000 times faster than text. It’s how we’re wired and we use that wiring to organize information. What does this mean for you? It means that the humans who will be looking at your Amazon product pics have likely already organized your listing into their brain’s “keep” file or “discard” file before they even get around to reading the text description.

The Stats to Back That Up

The statement that your Amazon photography is the most important part of your listing is reinforced by some recent marketing statistics, as reported by Industrial Marketer, who explains that articles with relevant images obtain ninety-four percent more views than those without. Further, nearly seventy percent of online retail shoppers — such as those shopping on Amazon — say that the images in the product listing were a primary reason why they chose to purchase the product.

According to statistics provided by HubSpot, having relevant images increases the amount of information an individual can retain three days after receiving it from ten percent to sixty-five percent. Eye tracking studies have revealed that customers spend more time looking at the images of a product than they do actually reading the listing.

Images are of particular importance with the first-time customer, the Industrial Marketer report notes, as they give that individual an immediate, clear understanding of what you’re offering. And we’re all well aware by now that the first impression is vital.

How to Keep the Customers Looking

The digital solutions company, treefrog — when discussing the importance of photography in marketing — looks to Apple as an example. When you visit Apple’s webpage, the company states, it’s not a matter of what you see. It’s a matter of what you don’t see. And what you don’t see is visual clutter. The site is crisp and the product images are crisp as well. The photography Apple uses is simple, the product itself and the specific details of the product that the company wants you to focus on are exactly what is provided. When a customer views an Apple product, they not only get a clear and compelling image of the product they want to see, but — thanks to strong and consistent branding — they can make no mistake about the fact that they are looking at an Apple product.

When it comes to your Amazon product photography, think like Apple. Keep it simple, crisp, and high quality. Don’t muddy your photo with a bunch of unnecessary items or backgrounds. Consider what the person who will potentially want to buy that product needs to see in order to make their choice. Don’t settle for good enough, settle for the absolute best image you can provide: one that is crisp, well focused, and well lit.

Keep your business brand in mind, too, when considering the photos for your Amazon products. What makes your company and your product unique? Are the photos you’re providing reflective of that brand? Is the picture speaking not only to what you sell but to who you are as a business?

600,000 Times Faster

Everything you have to say about your product is going to be said 600,000 times faster with a photo. That is, indeed, why it’s important. Do you have an amazing idea for Amazon product photography? Share it with us here. We’d love to know!

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